Monday, April 18, 2011

The Day After

Well today is the Day After, the Day After Little 500. This year the whole weekend needs to sit in a little longer. So I am going to save writing about it for a few. Needless to say it was fun, amazing, and how I love it.

Right now I want to think about getting more active. I asked Jason to clean up my town cruiser for my birthday. A first, I asked for something bike related. I broke my own rule, by saying no more gifts from QBP. But really, I am so hoping he listens. I want a lot of first times to be had on that bike this summer. I want to ride it dinner, farmers market, the grocery, etc.

The weather is almost to summer!! Come on Sunshine

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Best Time of the Year

When you graduate college you normally think about going back to campus in the fall when the leaves have changed, you wear a new hooded sweatshirt, watch football, and think about how great life was back then. Not in this house...we have the same feeling towards the end of March when Little 5 season is upon us. Little 500 is such a huge part of our house in the Spring.

Just a few weeks ago  I thought to myself,  I am 27 years old why do I still care so much? When I talk to people about our involvement in the race, or more importantly why Jason still dedicates so much time, effort, and emotion to it there is always surprise and confusion on their face.  A few weeks ago, I didn't really have an answer to give them or myself.

So in the effort of wanting to do 2011 differently, I told Jason I wanted to cook dinner for the team and go to quals. This spun into making dinner for the team the night before, staying down at the union, going out to Nicks with our friends still in town, and watching the Cutters qual at the early hour of 8 am.
Final Lap! 

This is where I found my answer. There is no other way to put it than...It Just Feels Good. My sister once told me that you are always in a better mood in Bloomington. This was in the midst of her life literally falling apart, and then she went to Bloomington for the night and all was better again.

The revolving team of young men never ceases to amaze me. They are so much better people than I was at their age. They respect each other, love each other, and have fun. Jason at this point in his life, gets so much more out of spending time with them compared to getting drunk with his friends. That is fun too, but not fulfilling.

Then there is Jim Kirkham. I can not write something about him that will say it all or will make not cry at this moment. I love Jim and my life would not be the same without him. He challeged my husband to be a man. In every sense of what that means. His GF Linda is also equally great. Talking to her about life, childbirth, and being a Mom makes me feel like I can just figure it out. It is not only fun but a beautiful process to embrace.

It is been fun to see how my own relationships with the alums of the Cutters and the race has evolved. I see them and it is not like no time has passed. I also love the women they have chosen as life or maybe even just current partners. There are years between but it doesn't feel like it. We get excited about the same stuff, feel the pain of loving a bike rider,  and all just love being active in life.

As I was at Nicks talking to all of them, I have never felt so myself. I talked about stuff that I normally would not have let fall out so easy, I know GASP.

The guys loved the dinner, I loved the company, and my husband was alive. The stress of normal life has got him down, but little 5 lifts him up.

I was so addicted to the high that I went down for ITTs all alone. Jason was in Belgium. Still the same feeling and fun.
Hank during his run

It is a good thing Little 5 is a short season because the high is so addicting. So is the fun. I cant wait to see Heather and the whole crew for the race.