Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Facebook Fallopian Tubes

Today was a big day, full of ups and downs but mostly filled with important lessons. 

Lesson #1 - Speed is not often the best way. 

Lately at work I have been pushing to do faster, harder, better. I have a lot to learn. I am not good with a fast product. I need time to make my best product. Right now I have been rushing and not making it my best product. I need to recognize, slow down, and take the time. Things dont have to be perfect but they need to be better than they are right now. and I need to not over commit. Learn to say no at work and be okay with it. 

This speed also applies to home life. I need to be a better wife. 

Lesson 2: ORs are a scary places but a warm smile can be calming. 

I had an HSG test today and walking into an OR is freaky. Big lights, machines. But a warm smile can make anything better. The X-ray nurse looked in my eyes with a smile and when I was nervous those eyes made it better. It didn't hurt but was uncomfortable. During the procedure, I thought something was wrong but good news...clean report.

Lesson 3) Doctors are funny 

My ferility doc who did the procedure was super nice and funny. He was positive and said, some people get pregnant after this procedure. Sometimes we just need to clear things out. Such an uplifting comment. My OBGYN said be opposite, it could be normal and you still need IVF. Thanks! 

After he said it went well, he gave  me a pic of my uterus and tubes and said, "this is for your Facebook." 

Lessons learned. How am I learning more now than in my 20s. Was I not pushing enough to grow?