The List

-See the Pacific Ocean Sept. 2013
-Carry a designer handbag Go Yard Sept. 2013
-Have a baby
-Live in a country where the native language is not English
-Go on vacation where there is no TV with Jason
-Take my baby to the park in Fanwood, New Jersey
-Do an Olympic Triatholon
-Further my education
-Go to Italy Sept/Oct 2012
-See a sunrise
-Do a DeTox  Jan 2013
-Do a Wine Tour Cali 2013 and Michigan 2012 and Napa 2014
-Take an Art Class
-Swim an entire session with flip turns
-Make a cake with my Mom
-Take a tour on a Segway  Summer 2012 in Chicago 
-Read a chapter of the Bible
-Be in the 1:30s for a half marathon
-Take my baby on a run in a baby jogger to a park
-Take a day off to spend with family
-Take my Mom on vacation
-Rent a beach cottage
-Volunteer for an organization   Fall 2014 Habitat for Humanity Women Build
-Tell a joke well enough that people laugh
-Join a book club
-Shovel the neighbors drive way
-Have a street block party
-Change  a Bike Tire
-Change a Car Tire
-Do not watch TV while at home for an entire weekend
-See a Classical Music Concert Summer 2014 Joshua Bell and Symphony of the New World with Jason
-Take someone new to Little 500