Friday, January 17, 2014

Last Friday night

Fridays are magical. The joy of the weekend, the relaxation, projects, workouts, and being home with Jason. 

Indiana has been bitter cold and there is nothing better than fire, wine, and the one you love. 

Monday, January 13, 2014


There are times in your life when you feel you got the short end of stick. Lately, it has been one of those times. Everyone seems to have it greener on their side of the fence. 

My job, our lack of fertility, our old house, no pending vacations, the fact Jason is annoyed I work so much, I didn't get Ray a walk this weekend, I am a food snob, my attitude has been a little harsh, I spend too much time with TV, etc. all those things have piled up and made me feel wow I really pick the short straw in this round. 

Then as a blessing from out of the sky something comes in and smack see you right in the face to make you realize you do not have it so bad. 

This morning I received an email from a dear friend and someone who I really respect. She is one of those people in my life that I always wonder how does she has it together,  how does she make it work,  how does she always make everything a positive... All while making it look like she's walking on water with ease. She also happens to be the kindest and most generous person I think I may know. 

Well this morning she opened up and shared with them going on in her life. It's hard and she's alone I don't know what to do I what to say to help her. I often am afraid of speaking up at times like this because what I say I feel is never the right thing. 

But as I sat over the weekend thinking about all the troubles and stress and strain in my life, I failed to realize that my problems really aren't as bad as they could be. 

I have a loving husband a great family and a wonderful group of friends that work to keep me grounded even though I sometimes make it hard. 

That email was a slap in the face and one that I needed and I am thankful. Thankful for the reminder that I am not the only person in this world. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Back at It!

Well hello there!

It has been a long while since I have done anything with this blog. Although, maybe in 2014 I will spend more time here.

Blogging is such a pressure because you over think every post and try to perfect it. Really this is just an online journal to capture some thoughts.

So here goes....

I had not touched "The List" in a very long time and when I did..WOW. I had actually done a lot of things on it. Pretty cool! I hope that I continue to be able to check things off. I also added some 2014 goals because at the end of the day I am one of those people who like lists. Cross something off...BAM. Cross off 3 things...oh it feels like Christmas.

Here's to spending more time for me and considering my thoughts.